short circuit


short circuit

kosketin, liitäntä, oikosulku.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

short circuit (englanti > suomi)

  1. oikosulku

short circuit englanniksi

  1. A usually unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit such that excessive and often damaging current flows in it.

  2. puhekieltä to cause a short circuit in

  3. puhekieltä to force termination of an ongoing process before its natural conclusion by bypassing one or more intermediary steps

  4. 1998: Catherine Nickerson, The Web of Iniquity

  5. His temporarily successful attempt to smear Redfield is an effort to short-circuit the narrative into premature and mistaken resolution.
  6. 2002: Jim Kasper, Short Cycle Selling: Beating Your Competitors in the Sales Race,

  7. You do not need to follow your entire sales cycle if the customer wants to short-circuit it for you.
  8. 2003: Gina Hens-Piazza, Nameless, Blameless, and Without Shame: Two Cannibal Mothers Before a King

  9. My mother, determined to short-circuit my outcry, would match my objections by pointing out an inherent reward for doing such work.
  10. puhekieltä to terminate a loop before the declared termination condition is met or a conditional before all conditions have been tested for

  11. 2002: Paul Kimmel, Visual Basic.Net Unleashed

  12. For example, to short-circuit the "LoggedIn()" or "LogIn()" "if" conditional, replace the "Or" with "OrElse" and the statement is interpreted to mean "if not logged in, then log in".
  13. 2002: Jose Mojico, C and VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference

  14. If you would like to short-circuit, you must replace "And" with the "AndAlso" keyword and "Or" with the "OrElse" keyword, as follows....
  15. 2006: Jay Hillard & Stephen Teilhet, C Cookbook

  16. The "Demand" is done to ensure that you have indeed been granted this permission before using the "Assert" to short-circuit the stackwalk.
